IPHGZ was founded in 1994 and is based on the Law on Chambers of Commerce. Brings together scrap companies from the whole Polish leaders in the industry, taking care of their interests and the good image of the broad economic market.
Currently, the Board has undertaken intensive efforts to support the growing recycling and become an active partner in the area of environmental protection.
:: Representing the interests of the scrap to the legislative, regulatory and other organizations.
:: Leading efforts to protect the environment.
:: Information on the Functioning of the scrap industry and creating a good image of the industry of scrap metal.
:: Providing information on existing legislation in the area of economy, environment, safety, standards and norms.
:: Organizing the flow of information between members.
:: Representing and promoting members in Poland and abroad.
:: Organization of seminars, trainings and conferences.
:: Creating a common economic policy.
Support business initiatives industry. Organize to-date information on the steel and scrap, specialized training and conferences, expertise, marketing research and consulting work with other operators' organizations in the country and abroad.
Ethics, decency salesmanship and unfair competition.
All of scrap and abroad we invite you to join our organization.
We hope for fruitful cooperation.
Important tasks
1 Represent and protect the interests of members
1.1. In view of the audience (steel mills, foundries, etc.) cooperation in setting standards, general conditions, to collaborate in obtaining statistics describing the industry
1.2. In other organizations with related industry including international ones - for example, BDSV, EFR, BIR
1.3. To institutions, authorities, and agencies. Consultation and active influence on the prepared legislative solutions as well as the initiative on combating unfair competition
2 Help and informing members
2.1. The existing rules on the industry including: general economic, environmental, technical, transportation, general economic, quality and environmental standards, means of support, etc.
2.2. The current standards, the general terms of delivery in cooperation with the steel mills, steel mills non-ferrous foundries, etc.
2.3. Facilitating the exchange of information and experience between members
2.4. Organizing support the implementation of quality standards and environmental protection - cooperation with scientific institutions and implementing action
2.5. The possibility of raising funds to support the activities of the Chamber and the members (training, participation in trade fairs, etc.)
3 PR promoting the interests of the industry in the media
3.1. Operating a website presenting the industries and the economic importance of the distinction between:
- News, legislation
- Steel scrap, ferrous metal scrap,
- Environmental issues,
- Technical-shears, shredders,
- Electronic scrap and end of life vehicles.
3.2. News release, press conference, explaining the situation in the scrap market
3.3. Building a positive image of the industry, fight the gray market and promote a code of good practice for the scrap industry.
4 The organization of meetings
4.1. Training seminars
4.2. Conferences, meetings, general meetings
4.3. The meetings of specialized committees
4.4. Organizing study tours
Organization IPHGZ
The General Assembly
The Council Chamber
The Management Board